Birthdays Less Disposables and More Reusables pt.1

Doing birthdays different by experimenting and going against industry standards could mean some pleasant outcomes. At our chosen location this year and last for Maya’s birthday, we asked to use linen, ceramic plates and glassware instead of buying disposable paper or plastic goods. I used washi tape to identify glasses which could easily be peeled off after usage making it pretty hassle free.

Each crown and mask had little variations and children chose which ones they preferred and sometimes switching later.

Each crown and mask had little variations and children chose which ones they preferred and sometimes switching later.

Glossy textured cardboard stars-I hung a few sets of three around event space to create volume— Props can always later be used for pretend play at home

Glossy textured cardboard stars-I hung a few sets of three around event space to create volume—
Props can always later be used for pretend play at home

This was the first year I went without balloons. I just never figured it could be done! An emphasis on crepe paper was used instead in a variety of layers to decorate tent area along with a handmade signage that made up this year’s theme: High Fives & Good Vibes. Handmade crowns and masks mimicked the signage and a star piñata was the special event of the party.

Painted poster board with collaged motifs and text-frill for added festive flare—cake design mirrored overall theme cake made by BiBi Sweets

Painted poster board with collaged motifs and text-frill for added festive flare—cake design mirrored overall theme
cake made by BiBi Sweets

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One added detail were the hand-cut banners made with wooden motifs which carried on in the cake design and signage. These wooden banners will be put into her bedroom as decoration—I really appreciate it when things can double over into different contexts. It’s a pretext to celebrate throughout the year! You can find the banner in the shop.

We made two 4 meter long wooden motif banners to string along the space along with crepe paper and star banners—these will now will be cut shorter and put in Maya's room as decoration

We made two 4 meter long wooden motif banners to string along the space along with crepe paper and star banners—these will now will be cut shorter and put in Maya's room as decoration